What’s in a Cover Week 6: BATMAN #648

7 Jun

This week’s feature, which was also supposed to be last week’s feature, is BATMAN #648 which is the second Batman cover I’ve featured on this feature [that’s a lot of features]. This one, just like last week’s, is done by British comic book artist, Jock. Again, this cover showcases the same things we saw in last week’s feature: Iconic imagery, the use of a striking camera angle and an eye-catching strip of colors thanks to the negative space produced by the buildings.

Despite how tired and overused the image of Batman leaping through the rooftops of Gotham is, Jock makes it fresh by capturing Batman in mid-jump. In the cover, we barely get a glimpse of him but the silhouette produced is more than enough to make me thing ‘Batman’ without actually seeing him. It kind of reminds me of Paul Pope’s approach to the character in Batman: Year 100, where nobody, even the reader at times, really gets a good look at Batman – which really makes sense if you think about it. The lens flare is a nice touch as it accentuates, for me at least, the ‘street’ feel of the entire cover. I can almost see a snippet of this cover being taken and turned into a front page photograph for a Gotham tabloid – ‘BATMAN: THREAT OR MENACE’ [sorry, JJ]. This also makes me wonder why still haven’t seen a ‘MARVELS’ for the DC Universe, I’d love to see a tale like that.

Check out the entire cover behind the cut, folks.

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